Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This morning I read a "tweet" by Brother Eddie (the pastor at my church) and it went really well with what I have been discussing with one of my friends lately and what has been kind of a struggle for me.

"God gives us 86,400 seconds in a day, use a few of them to thank Him for all He has done for you!" -Brother Eddie Bumpers
I have been blessed with 86,400 more seconds today than what I had yesterday, but how many of those seconds are used to spend time with God? To bring him glory? How many of those seconds are dedicated to God? When I stopped and really thought about where my time is dedicated it was really eye opening and it basically came right back to the question one of my closest friends and I discussed earlier today. What are we honestly living for? Sometimes we are quick to answer and say, Jesus. But is that truly the answer, or just what is expected, or what sounds good.  When I was talking to my friend I had to stop and recollect myself from getting so teary eyed. If I spend a good majority of my time stressing out about school, searching pinterest, catching up on the latest drama, or any of the other hundreds of things that easily steal my attention am I truly living my daily life for Jesus or do I violently throw Jesus aside to focus on the world around me. How can I be the salt of the earth or the light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16) if I am so focused on me, myself, and I?
 Now I'm not saying that focusing on school work is wrong, God has blessed me with the opportunity to go to school. And in everything I do I should do it like I am working directly for God (Colossians 3:23) because my education will prepare me for what I feel God is calling me to do with my life. Pinterest is not an evil website, it is actually a resourceful tool on keeping ideas organized and finding more ideas that you like. But God should not be ranked below these in my life.
So where does your relationship with Jesus rank? Do you shove him aside for friends? A boy/girl? School? The internet? Well darlings, it's actually pretty simple. Jesus ranks wherever you rank him in your life, you rank him daily. Today I choose to put my 86,400 seconds towards him in all the things that I do. I'll do my schoolwork to the best of my ability because he has blessed me with an education and I'll be a light when I'm out in the world. And I pray that tomorrow I wont give the time that he gave me to something else. What will take up your 86,400 seconds?

1 comment:

  1. This is such an awesome and convicting post Sarah! Kind of goes along with Michael's lesson last night about idolatry. Making more time for other things than God puts them above Him! Can't wait to see what else God lays on your heart to write about :)
