Hey guys! I'm glad that you are choosing to follow my blog. I am very new to this so just bare with me, I may also not blog very often at first. To begin I just wanted to introduce myself to those of you who may not know me.
First I would like to share a little bit of my testimony. I love sharing and hearing other's personal testimonies, and I think that it is just such a personal and important thing to share. When I was growing I always knew about the love of Jesus and had a lot of "biblical knowledge" and thought I was a "good" person. But having all of that head knowledge is so different than actually believing it in you heart. Jesus became real to me the fall of my freshman year in college. We had just had a revival at my church, Broadway Baptist, and I stopped making excuses and just knew that no matter how "good" I was or thought I was it would never be enough because God cannot be with sin and the only way I could be with God was to really accept him, to fully trust and belive in what Jesus did for me in my heart and to finally confess it with my mouth. (Romans 10:9) So after church I went to a cemetary (creepy I know, but I usually go to the lake to think but I didn't have enough gas to drive out there so I visited my great grandma instead) I had my Bible with me and my notebook from chuch and I just broke down and cried out to God. What's beautiful is that God is pursuing us long before we ever consider pursuing him, so when I cried out to him he was right there with me. I will always remember that October 24th 2010 after noon!
Thanks for sharing your testimony! I look forward to reading your blog during class ;) hahah
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! I hope that you enjoy it and that it is helpful during the long school day!