Sunday, October 14, 2012

Goodbye Broadway building!

Today was officially the last service at our church building on North Broadway and it was definitely a bitter sweet day. I have been coming to Broadway for almost three years, I was saved here, my sister was saved here,  I was baptized here,  I surrendered to the mission field here, and I met all of my closest friends here at Broadway. There were definitely a lot of memories made here at this location, and I am so thankful for all that God has done through our church and for our church!

I remember a year ago when we had a small enough Wednesday night college group that we could still meet upstairs in the gym for College Service

And just last Wednesday we had a full house of college students downstairs in the gym!

We gladly filled three services every Sunday morning for the past three years!

And after much praying, giving, and discernment from God and His word the time has come to finally move in to our new church home!
It's clear that God is working in the lives of the people of our church and just because we are changing homes doesnt mean that our church family will change, theres just more room to have the family grow and to do even more of Gods work here in Springfield! The new building already feels like home!

1 comment:

  1. I am in awe as to what the Lord does when people sacrifice and surrender to Him. I've been going to Broadway for a little over a year, and just in this short amount of time God has stretched me so much. I have seen so many people saved, baptized, joined our church, surrendered to ministry etc. A lot of my really close friends comes from our church. Since being here I have developed a heart of praise, and desire to pray more, to witness and share the Gospel, I have experienced conviction in ways that I haven't had in a while. I am so thankful for our church! God has done, and still is doing, and will continu to do great things for us. I am excited for our new journey at Crossway!
